5 Insider Secrets to Help You Sell a Mobile Home in Berks County

5 Insider Secrets to Help You Sell a Mobile Home in Berks County

Selling your home can be an overwhelming experience. However, mobile homes are a slightly different category and are a specialized sector of real estate. Therefore, it will be helpful for you to begin your journey into mobile home sales with some guidance. Read on to discover five insider secrets to help you sell a mobile home in Berks County.


For our first insider secret to help you sell a mobile home in Berks County, price it right from the beginning. While it is understandable that your home is immeasurably valuable to you, emotionally-based pricing will put you out of the running in today’s real estate market. Instead, you need to do your research on the current sales of mobile homes that are the most like yours and in a community or setting that is the most comparable to yours; this will help you get a more realistic valuation and set you on the path to a faster sale. Likewise, setting a price too low could set off red flags to buyers who don’t want to be bothered with handyman specials. Finally, it would be well worth your while to consult with a professional with experience in the mobile home Market in Berks County, like one of the professional investors at MDL Properties, LLC, who will answer any questions or concerns you may have with absolutely no obligation.


Our next insider secret to help you sell a mobile home in Berks County is to utilize staging to your advantage. For example, show off your storage space and leave enough belongings to fill cabinets or closets only half full. In addition, larger pieces of furniture can serve to make a room look smaller, so consider renting a storage space for these pieces and any extra boxes of items you have removed from view. Staging is a standard in the listing process with top agents; they use this method of presenting a home in the best light possible, allowing buyers to more easily imagine themselves living in the space. Personal items and clutter indicate this home belongs to another person or family that is a feeling that many buyers cannot move past. 


Showings matter a great deal in the speed at which a property sells. Another insider secret to help you sell a mobile home in Berks County is not to miss a single opportunity for a buyer to view your home. To avoid your mobile home sitting on the market, it has to be available for showings at the drop of a pin. What you don’t want is for the mobile home to linger on the market, for as each day passes, your odds of selling for market value drop. Again, it’s helpful to have a system in place for last-minute clean-up and keep a grab bag of supplies for children or pets quickly and go. As a part of that routine, be sure that you eliminate any indicators that a pet lives in the home, remove feeding dishes and the like; as wonderful as they may be, your pets shouldn’t be the buyer’s focus. 


One more insider secret to help you sell a mobile home in Berks County is to use a professional photographer for your listing photos and hire a drone pilot for a 360-degree virtual tour of the property. Unfortunately, today’s tech-savvy buyers tend to scroll right on by any listings lacking high-quality digital imagery, and many would prefer a virtual tour before requesting an in-person showing. In addition, many homeowners prefer a direct sale to a professional investor like those at MDL Properties, LLC to avoid spending a great deal of time and money prepping or repairing their home and all of the trappings of showings and expenses of marketing.

MDL Properties, LLC

We’ve saved the best insider secret to help you sell a mobile home in Berks County for last, the team at MDL Properties, LLC! At MDL Properties, LLC, we will detail how much you could sell your mobile home by listing with an agent or through a direct sale so that you won’t be in the dark about the current market trends and the value of your home. And the professionals at MDL Properties, LLC don’t charge commissions, saving you even more money, and there are no hidden fees to come off your profit at the closing table. You’ll agree the offer from MDL Properties, LLC is fair once you compare for yourself. MDL Properties, LLC pays cash for mobile homes, so we can close as soon as you are ready, typically in a matter of days. If that’s moving a bit too fast, we can set the date whenever it is convenient for you, and we can even clean out anything you want to leave behind when you go. Why not find out how MDL Properties, LLC can help you move on to your new home and solve your selling problems? Contact MDL Properties, LLC at (484) 857-2274 to learn more!

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